In 1980, two years after being at Antioch, the Lord impressed upon Dr. Young’s heart about printing tracts for the church visitation program. He began with an A B Dick tabletop press and hand paper cutter. He and the soul-winners would fold the tracts as they passed them out. As the years went on, the Lord continued to keep the small ministry burning in the heart of Dr. Young. Dr. Young never dreamed that the printing ministry would be what it is today. In the year of 1995, the Lord blessed the church with an A B Dick 360 chute delivery press and two tabletop folders. It took these two folders to keep up with the one press. In 1997, one night in a college class the students took up enough money to purchase an A B Dick chain delivery. This press can print up to 10,000 tracts in an hour. At the end of 2000, the Lord again blessed the printing ministry with two Multi-lift presses, these can also print up to 10,000 tracts per hour.

Today, the printing ministry has been blessed with three profectors, four presses that have the ability to print two colors at one time, and one press that is single color. We also have a paper plate maker which helps cut down on the costs of printing. All these machines are located in the basement of the church. The Lord allowed us to be able to build a 40×80 steel building to house all that the Lord has given us and also to house all the material that has been printed until it gets shipped out to various places. Also in the warehouse we have two rooms. In the room downstairs we have two folders (one which can fold and cut at the same time, between 30-50 thousand tracts an hour), two collators and two cutters. Some books are still folded by hand and they are done upstairs in the warehouse. The Lord has enabled us to buy all this equipment and to build the warehouse, which is very valuable to the ministry.

The Lord allows us to print between 9-12 million pieces of literature each year. Since the start of the printing ministry the Lord has allowed us to print over 200 million pieces of literature. We have been able to print in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Sesotho, French, and Filipino. Some of the countries God has allowed us to send material to are: America, Mexico, Guatemala, Chad, South Africa, Africa, Philippines, Bulgaria, Honduras, and Peru.

The success of the ministry is God using faithful church people who devote their time to help keep the ministry going. We have part-time workers who print during the week and men and ladies who print and help on Saturdays. These workers are faithful, and really want to see the Word of God “Reach the WORLD with the PRINTED WORD”. Pray for our workers, that they will keep pressing on to the finish line.