“What Would Jesus Really Do?”

John 4:24-27

By: Bro Mike Allison

February 14, 2023 TN

I. He would go out of His way for the lost.

Go out of your way to win the lost.

II. He would tell the truth about their sins.

a.) We need to tell people the truth about their sins.

b.) We need to tell people about their false religions. Matthew 23:13-19

III. He would preach more about Hell than Heaven.

IV. He would tell the truth no matter the outcome. Mark 10:17-22

He would rebuke His disciples when they were wrong Matthew 16:21-23

A lot of people can’t handle rebuke.

He would put the will of God first.

He would make the requirement for true discipleship very hard. Luke 14:25

Salvation is free, but discipleship cost everything.